Growth projects

Deposit: Maslovskoye

Minerals: copper‑nickel sulphide ores.

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk. Geologically, the deposit is part of the Norilsk Ore Cluster.

The Company obtained the licence to explore and mine the Maslovskoye deposit upon its discovery in 2015.

A feasibility study of permanent exploratory standards and a reserve statement for the Maslovskoye deposit were approved by the State Commission for Mineral Reserves, and its copper‑nickel ore reserves were included into the State Register of Mineral Reserves. B + C1 + C2 ore reserves: 206.8 mln t.

Deposit: Kolmozerskoye

Minerals: beryllium, niobium, lithium, lithium ore, tantalum

Location: Murmansk Region, Lovozersky District

In 2023, Polar Lithium, a joint venture between Nornickel and ROSATOM, obtained an exploration and mining licence for the Kolmozerskoye deposit, located within an area of federal significance.

The balance (economic) reserves of the deposit were confirmed through exploration in 1960 at 75 mln t of ore and 844.2 kt of lithium oxide. In 2023, follow‑up exploration was initiated at the deposit to confirm the quality and quantity of the minerals. The exploration is expected to continue in 2024–2025.

Deposit: Bugdainskoye

Minerals: molybdenum and associated elements.

Location: Zabaykalsky Territory, Alexandrovo‑Zavodsky Municipal District.

The deposit’s mineral reserves, comprising 813 mln t of В + С1 + С2 ore reserves, including 600 kt of molybdenum, were included into the State Register of Mineral Reserves in 2007.

Deposit: Bystrinsko‑Shirinskoye

Minerals: gold ore. gold ore.

Location: Zabaykalsky Territory, Gazimuro‑Zavodsky Municipal District.

In 2023, based on an expert review, further exploration was recommended for the deposit’s flanks and deep levels given the high complexity of the ore body structures. The exploration will be followed by a feasibility study and a reserve statement.

Deposit: western flank of the Oktyabrskoye deposit

Minerals: copper‑nickel sulphide ores.

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk. Geologically, the deposit is part of the Talnakh Ore Cluster.

Licensed for prospecting in 2017, the area shares a boundary with the earlier licensed mining area at the Oktyabrskoye deposit. In 2022 and 2023, exploration was carried out on the Zapadny section, where prospecting had earlier confirmed the presence of copper‑nickel ores, suggesting potential for reserve additions of 500 kt in high‑grade ores, 2,140 kt in cuprous ores, and 546 kt in disseminated ores. Plans for 2024 include conducting laboratory tests and compiling a final report to be followed by a state expert review and a reserve statement approval.

Deposit: flanks of the Bystrinskoye deposit

Minerals: lode gold, iron ore, copper ore.

Location: Zabaykalsky Territory, Gazimuro‑Zavodsky Municipal District.

Licensed for prospecting in 2021, the area shares a boundary with the earlier licensed exploration and mining area at the Bystrinskoye deposit. In 2022 and 2023, to assess the potential for adding gold‑iron‑copper ore and gold ore reserves to its the mineral resource base, the Company conducted prospecting at the flanks of the Bystrinskoye deposit but found no prospects.