Existing non-metallic deposits

Deposit: Mokulayevskoye

Minerals: limestone.

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyrsky Dolgano‑Nenetsky Municipal District.

The deposit lies 10 km north‑west of the production sites of the Oktyabrsky and Taimyrsky Mines. The exploration and mining licence for this limestone deposit was obtained upon its discovery in 2017. In 2018, the State Commission for Mineral Reserves of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources reviewed the feasibility study of permanent exploratory standards and the reserve statement for the deposit. It included the deposit’s limestone reserves into the State Register of Mineral Reserves for potential use in cement and lime production and in sulphuric acid neutralisation. The deposit can be developed through open‑pit mining.

In 2022, an exploration campaign was completed to look into dolomite overburden within the Mokulayevskoye limestone deposit. 1.2 Mcm of reserves at the Verkhne‑Mokulayevskoye dolomite deposit were confirmed, which will be used to construct roads for a project to develop the limestone deposit.

Its B + C1 + C2 balance reserves of limestone are 135 Moz as at 1 January 2024.

Deposit: Ozero Lesnoye

Minerals: magmatic rock (basalts).

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk.

Located 22 km to the north of Norilsk, the deposit consists of two adjacent licence areas (No. 1 and No. 2) which share a common boundary. The deposit is developed within licence area No. 1. In 2017, Nornickel obtained a survey, exploration, and mining licence for the magmatic basalt reserves at licence area No. 2.

In 2022, Nornickel updated its reserve estimate for the deposit’s two licence areas to 189.2 Mcm. In 2023 a technical project developed to further develop the deposit, enabling mining the two licence areas as one open‑pit mine to ensure continuous production.

Deposit: Gribanovskoye

Minerals: sand.

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyrsky Dolgano‑Nenetsky Municipal District.

In 2020, Nornickel obtained an exploration and mining licence upon the discovery of the Gribanovskoye deposit, located on the Yenisei River, 22.5 km south of Dudinka. Exploration phase activities were completed, and a pilot operation was started at the deposit in 2020. A state expert review of the feasibility study of permanent conditions and the reserve statement was conducted in 2021.. Sand production was launched in 2022.

Deposit: Gorozubovskoye

Minerals: anhydrite.

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk.

In 2020, following further examination of the deposit’s flanks carried out as part of follow‑up exploration of the Gorozubovskoye anhydrite deposit, the reserves were reclassified from C2 to C1. A certificate issued by the State Commission for Mineral Reserves confirmed the parameters of updated standards. The deposit is currently under development.

Deposit: Kayerkanskoye

Minerals: quartzose sandstone, coal, tuffaceous argillite.

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk.

Since 1967, the Kayerkanskoye deposit has been supplying the needs of the Company’s Polar Division plants in materials used to produce fluxes for concentration and metallurgical processes at the metallurgical plants, as well as to manufacture building materials.

The deposit is currently under development.