Contribution to the UN SDGs
A 20–25% growth in the output of the Company’s core metals by 2030
Reduced environmental footprint across regions of operation
Deeper integration into emerging value chains and diversification of production capacities
1,267 Mt
Proven and probable reserves copper‑nickel sulphide ores 283 Mt
Proven and probable (gold-iron-copper ores) 9 mines
4 concentration facilities
4 metallurgical plants
>80 thousand
employees - Transport enterprises
- Energy enterprises
- Global sales network
- R&D: Gipronickel Institute
Performance highlights
Norilsk Division
19.2 Mt
of ore Ni 1.14%
Cu 1.98%
PGMs 6.48 g/t
Kola Division
7.2 Mt
of ore Ni 0.52%
Cu 0.22%
PGMs 0.08 g/t
Trans‑Baikal Division
15.0 Mt
of ore Cu 0.63%
Energy Division
2,720 Mcm
of natural gas 85 kt
of gas condensate Group’s metals production
Financial highlights
USD 6.9 bn
Net income 48%
EBITDA margin 1.2 x
Net debt/EBITDA Environment and climate
8.6 Mt
GHG emissions from operations (Scope 1 + 2) 6.4 Mt
GHG emissions (Scope 3) 99%
of the Company’s industrial waste is non‑hazardous 55%
Share of renewables 83%
Share of reused and recycled water Value for stakeholders
USD 1,475 mln
Total dividends paid in 2023 USD 193 mln
Spending on social programmes for employees >USD 2,000
Average monthly pay USD 15 mln
Spending on pension plans 95%
Share of Russian companies in supplies to Nornickel 28 countries worldwide
RUB 281 bn /
USD 3.3 bn
Tax and other payments to budgets